Fertile Schmertile

February 8, 2008

A Journey of a Thousand Miles…

Filed under: anxiety,infertility,IVF,money money money — by M. @ 10:27 am

A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. ~Confucious

I have officially begun my thousand mile journey with the arrival of the Big Ass Box of Meds yesterday.  This B.A.B.M. was delivered to my office via F*e*d*E*x and took up a formidable amount of space in my little office.  I’m sure it caused any number of questions about it contents, given its “Refrigerate Upon Arrival” sticker in blue.  Only a few know what I’m up to these days. The rest can just wonder.  Contents:  Lupron, Luveris, Gonal-f, Crinone cream, Ovidrel for one cycle.  That one box has the value over double what I spent on all of Christmas this year, even given that insurance is paying at 50%.  It is a box whose mere presence screams out the message:  “Don’t F this up.  This is Serious. Business.”

So, tomorrow morning I will wake up and take my first injection of the Lupron and the journey will be truly underway. 

I am so lucky to work where I do…here’s an excerpt of an email I sent to my boss earlier this week, to which I received a lovely and supportive response:

Okay, I’m finally getting started with my IVF stuff.  I will begin pumping myself full of hormones for most of the month starting Friday and probably becoming increasingly edgy, hot, bloated, headachy, tearful and downright unpleasant as the month progresses (don’t say I didn’t warn you!).  Probably sometime in the middle of next week I will have a dr’s appt in the morning where I will find out exactly when we’ll be traveling to XXXX and how much time to expect me to be off??  (two trips to XXXX in a 4 day span with possible restrictions after the second trip).  Between that first drs appt and going to XXXX I will have several a.m. trips to the dr’s office for ultrasounds/bloodwork, but those will be determined as I go along and depending on what the medicine does to me.  Just wanted to give a general timeline so if you don’t see me one morning, you can guess where I am.  Thanks for your flexibility in all of this (keep your fingers crossed we only have to do this once!)


  1. Oh my! I have my fingers crossed for you and your B.A.B.M.

    Comment by Michelle — February 8, 2008 @ 6:37 pm |Reply

  2. Wow. I didn’t truly know how much was involved in this before! Thanks for educating me a little bit. I hope it all goes well!!!

    Comment by StorkWatcher — February 9, 2008 @ 11:27 am |Reply

  3. yes, Stork and Mich, sometime at the end of this month we’ll travel to your neck of the woods on two separate occasions. The dr we’re using has an office here and there and uses the lab up there. We’ll be going to Clarion North for our procedures when the time is right. I’ll wave to you both!

    Comment by mama2roo — February 9, 2008 @ 12:51 pm |Reply

  4. I’ll have my fingers crossed for you too!!!

    Comment by thanksgivingmom — February 10, 2008 @ 9:54 am |Reply

  5. I am crossing everything I can for you!!!! I hope and pray this works. Maybe we will get to be second time moms at about the same time again. (Although I don’t feel like waiting 9 whole months…) Good luck, keep us posted, think good thoughts!!!

    Comment by Marci — February 10, 2008 @ 12:25 pm |Reply

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